Sunday, June 24, 2007

Politics and People

Ok, i know that this one is easy. There is probably no other blog subject that gets more attention than politics other than sex that is, but this is really my first blog so I feel like it has to be my most passionate subject.

Here's the deal. I don't see why there are still people out there that still follow our government and especially this administration after all of the cracks in all of their characters. The entire cast of players in this administration has faltered as people and as public servants. Remember folks these people DO NOT HAVE FULL AUTHORITY! YET that is. Unless we continue to accept and follow these psuedo leaders as far as we have so far. We have turned the rest of the world against us even more than we had done on our own. We used to stand for freedom and backing the little guy when he's being oppressed and beaten by the bully. Well, now we are the bully and we can't seem to see it. Everyone is afraid of our loose cannon potential instead of respecting us for being cool.
Lets put it this way. Lets say you have a two teachers in high school. One is a really good teacher. He teaches you without you even knowing because you respect his point of view and what he has to say because he's fair and respects YOU. He really wants to know what you have to say and that shows. Simply put....he cares. He might not be the best guy personally on earth; but who is? On the other hand....theres a teacher that interrupts you when you speak to him (just even on a personal basis). He listens in on your confidential conversations with your friend or girlfriend. Not only that, he uses the information he has to cause problems in your life just so he can benefit from it. He could fail you at the drop of a hat, and he holds that over your head every day. He even takes things or money from your locker. He teaches his class like he is a line assembly factory worker that is just going through the motions to the end of every day until he can retire and get away from all these lousy bum kids. He ostensibly does not respect you and the students know it.
Tell me....who do you think has been our homeroom teacher for the past 25 years? Well folks I don't think I need to tell you who. Ok I admit it isn't the best analogy in the world, but it gets a point across. The teacher that commands your respect by deserving it is long gone. We haven't found a pres like that in a long while. Maybe Jimmy Carter. Our problem is we don't like the truth. Jack Nicholson had it right....WE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. Yes you are black...Yes you do look like a terrorist...yes you are FAT!!!.....yes you are an asshole (me). Whatever it is we are too fucking pc. We are so damn sensitive to every little thing we have to soften it with different words or labels. So how are we supposed to come into an election expecting a straight shooter? We don't. We EXPECT to be lied to. Then we get lied to...and we are sooooo fucking surprised that we were lied to. WHAT?
Ok. Back to the teachers. Lets say a couple of years have graduated. You are walking home maybe after a few beers and its a little dark. On the way you pass the first teacher (the good one). You might talk to him or even offer him a beer. You would be happy to see him...right? Now, you continue on your way home, strangely enough you cross paths with this manipulative, hateful teacher. What do you do?? What do you want to do??? Do you run? Do you tell him you hate him and you always hated him? Do you hurt him? What would you do? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO???
I love people. And whats more, I love all kinds of people, every kind of person even, unless you don't deserve it!!!! Do you think our teachers deserve it? In the old days at least the our presidents kept his bad stuff at bay. These days they don't care. They will just lie and know that we are so fucking dumb these days that we'll just forget in a week or so when Britney shows her pussy or Americal Idol comes on.
HMMMMMM??? Think about that will you? Why did you forget about Bush's connections to Enron and will ALWAYS remember the blow job that Clinton got? Drama. We would rather our world was like an episode of fucking Jerry Springer than a PBS special. WHAT? Well im sure we'll learn SOMETHING from the two fat whores fighting over their dad.

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